Frenchie Friday July 23rd, 2021

Frenchie Friday July 23rd, 2021

Happy Frenchie Friday

Happy Frenchie Friday! This week I was with my mom in Missouri. 

The Frenchies and I stayed at her under construction home where we could sit on the back deck, drink coffee, and watch the horses and cows. 

Frenchie Friday July 23rd, 2021

We didn’t know what to do with all of the peace and quiet when we’re used to two 5 &6 year old boys acting like ninjas all day.  Even the baby puppies looked extra relaxed. 

Frenchie Friday July 23rd, 2021

Jewels enjoyed laying her pregnant belly on the cool tiles. 

Frenchie Friday July 23rd, 2021

Babies were born. Momma and babies are doing great. 

Frenchie Friday July 23rd, 2021
Frenchie Friday July 23rd, 2021

We ordered new props for the babies to wear during pics. Doesn’t she look a sweet princes!?! You’ll have to check out the other pics of the babies this week. I think they’re extra cute. 

Frenchie Friday July 23rd, 2021

We have available Frenchie Babies for Summer!

We have babies available now and in August! Make sure to check them out if you are looking to add your very own Frenchie baby! 

Boarding your Frenchie-Colorado Springs

Elzie is back hanging out with us and the kiddos as her human family is out on vacation. Don’t forget we can watch and take good care of your Frenchie while you’re away on vacation. Colorado Springs location only. $25/day.

Make sure to checkout the available pups. We have some cutie pies. I’m happy to set up  a time for you to meet them live via FaceTime or Zoom. Just let me know which pups you’d like to meet. 🙂 719-308-7444

As you can see, we do our best to socialize and train our pups based on their age and abilities. If you’re looking for a Frenchie pup, make sure to check out our available pups. 

The French Bulldog of Colorado pups in their homes. 🙂

Happy Families!

Check out our available Frenchie pups.

Want more guidance on your Frenchies health & wellness? Check out our sister site Frenchies Naturally.

Frenchie Friday July 16th, 2021

Frenchie Friday July 16th, 2021

Happy Frenchie Friday

Happy Frenchie Friday! This week has been quite the busy week with new babies born and keeping up with our babies that we already have. Good thing we love living and breathing Frenchie. 🙂  

These little guys are just starting to grow into their super cute baby stage. They make big yawns, lay on their back with their rolly polly tummies up, and let everyone know when they’re ready for milk. 

Frenchie Friday July 16th, 2021

The bigger ones are enjoying hanging out on the deck and finding as much human attention they can. We’re real boys too. Why can’t we get on the hammock? 

Frenchie Friday July 16th, 2021

They especially love it when we have guests. 

Frenchie Friday July 16th, 2021

We have available Frenchie Babies for Summer!

We have babies available now and in August! Make sure to check them out if you are looking to add your very own Frenchie baby! 

Boarding your Frenchie-Colorado Springs

Elzie is back hanging out with us and the kiddos as her human family is out on vacation. Don’t forget we can watch and take good care of your Frenchie while you’re away on vacation. Colorado Springs location only. $25/day. 

Make sure to checkout the available pups. We have some cutie pies. I’m happy to set up  a time for you to meet them live via FaceTime or Zoom. Just let me know which pups you’d like to meet. 🙂 719-308-7444

As you can see, we do our best to socialize and train our pups based on their age and abilities. If you’re looking for a Frenchie pup, make sure to check out our available pups. 

The French Bulldog of Colorado pups in their homes. 🙂

Happy Families!

Check out our available Frenchie pups.

Want more guidance on your Frenchies health & wellness? Check out our sister site Frenchies Naturally.

If I live out of state, how will I receive my Frenchie?

If I live out of state, how will I receive my Frenchie? the French Bulldog of Colorado Blog

Many people ask, “If I live out of state, how will I receive my Frenchie?” We realize you need to figure out the logistics and some of you don’t have time to make a long trip happen.  Let’s go over all of the options you have for receiving your little one. 

Pick-up in Colorado Springs

This option is free of charge and we can arrange pick up at either location. Puppies are always with one of us so no strangers in transporting. You are given the address a few days before your arrival. 

Meet you at the Colorado Springs airport. 

This option is free of charge as well. Confirm your flight plans with us to make sure we can meet you there at the time of arrival. Please note the location of the airport. The Denver airport require transportation fees which must be prearranged before booking. 

Use of a flight nanny. 

A flight nanny can bring your Frenchie to the nearest major airport within the 48 states. Fees for this are typically $800. Your baby will ride in luxury under the seat in the cabin area of the plane. Typically I, Amanda, will bring your baby to you. Arrangements must be made ahead of time and paid ($300) before booking the flight. We allow puppies to be flown at 12 weeks old or later. We can also fly to Alaska and Canada at higher rates.

Drive Part Way

Our Frenchie Care Specialist has some availability to meet you part way. She will travel up to 3 hours one way. The fee for this is $350. 

Specials on transportation

Sometimes we run specials on transportation if we know we are going to be going there anyway. Don’t count on this but feel free to ask.

Frenchie Friday July 9th, 2021

Frenchie Friday July 9th, 2021

Happy Frenchie Friday

Happy Frenchie Friday! I apologize that we’ve missed a few Frenchie Friday’s. We’ve experienced unexpected loss of an uncle and the husband of our dearest couple friends. Sometimes we just have to let things go to be there for the ones we love. 

Has a pet ever reminded you of human? My first set of Frenchies, Darcy & Paris aka “The Girls”, reminded us of our couple friends Lester and Tina. Our girls always sat back to back. They literally had each others back all of the time just like Tina and Lester. Darcy the fawn was Lester and Paris the cream was Tina. Darcy was the protective one while Paris was the sweet girly one like Tina. We had holes in our hearts from loosing Darcy and Paris. Now we have a hole the size of crater with the loss of our friend. I say all of this to remind you to hold your loved ones and your Frenchies a little closer and maybe overlook the things that don’t really matter. 

Frenchie Friday July 9th, 2021
Frenchie Friday July 9th, 2021

We have available Frenchie Babies for Summer!

We have babies available now and in August! Make sure to check them out if you are looking to add your very own Frenchie baby! 

Boarding your Frenchie-Colorado Springs

Elzie is back hanging out with us and the kiddos as her human family is out on vacation. Don’t forget we can watch and take good care of your Frenchie while you’re away on vacation. Colorado Springs location only. $25/day.

Meet a couple of our newest happy families!

Frenchie Friday July 9th, 2021
Frenchie Friday July 9th, 2021

Make sure to checkout the available pups. We have some cutie pies. I’m happy to set up  a time for you to meet them live via FaceTime or Zoom. Just let me know which pups you’d like to meet. 🙂 719-308-7444

As you can see, we do our best to socialize and train our pups based on their age and abilities. If you’re looking for a Frenchie pup, make sure to check out our available pups. 

The French Bulldog of Colorado pups in their homes. 🙂

Happy Families!

Check out our available Frenchie pups.

Want more guidance on your Frenchies health & wellness? Check out our sister site Frenchies Naturally.

What airlines allow French Bulldogs to fly in the cabin?

What airlines allow French Bulldogs to fly in the cabin? The French Bulldog of Colorado Blog

We are often asked, “What airlines allow French Bulldogs to fly in the cabin?” There’s confusion as to whether they can fly or not. Snub nosed dogs like Frenchies cannot fly in the cargo area of the plane but they can fly in the cabin of the plane underneath your seat. There are some things to consider but this is not an exclusive list. You must call the airline to confirm you are following all rules they have as each airline is different. 

  • Most airlines have a minimum age of 8-10 weeks old. (United is different and we do not recomment them if you’re picking up a puppy). 
  • You must have a kennel of some sort that fits under the seat. We recommend soft ones as they can more easily fit. 
  • Puppies must be up to date on shots. Some airlines ask for documentation some do not. 
  • Most airlines typically require a rabies shot if over 16 weeks old. 
  • Most have the requirement that they are 20lbs are less. Some airlines weigh them and some do not. 
  • Your Frenchie must have room to stand up and turn around in the kennel. 

Tips for flying with your Frenchie: 

  • Book a seat in the aisle so your Frenchie has more air flow to stay cool. 
  • Typically they do not need to be fed during a typical US flight but bring dog food and collapsible bowls in case your flight is delayed. If my travel is 8 hours or less, I do not feed them as I do not want to deal with pooping. If your Frenchie puppy is on the smaller, you may consider feeding but typically it’s not necessary. 
  • Place puppy pads at the bottom of the kennel in case your pup has an accident. This way you can easily clean it up. 
  • Don’t act nervous about flying with your pup. Your Frenchie pics up on your energy and will act accordingly. I literally have flown with 50 or more different Frenchies. None of them have given me any trouble but I hear about it from others. 
  • Visit the airlines pet policy page to understand the guidelines. 
  • Call the airlines to confirm any questions you need clarification. 

My favorite airlines to fly with are Frontier and American Airlines. On Frontier I can book my pet when I book my flight and there’s no need to check in when I arrive. American Airlines I can take two puppies in one kennel as long as they weigh under 20lbs (check-in required and they weigh them). My least favorite airline for flying puppies is United. Do not use them if your puppy is under 16 weeks old. You likely will not get them on the plane.

Airlines that allow pets to fly in the cabin (Google airline + travel with pet in cabin):

  • American Airlines
  • Frontier
  • Southwest
  • Delta
  • United
  • Alaskan Airlines