Happy Frenchie Friday
Hi all, happy Frenchie Friday! Apparently I haven’t done much but take pics of Mable. We did start the weekend with a movie with the Frenchies.
This is my favorite thing.

Of course with the nice weather last week we spent lots of time on the deck. This is the life. ~Maddie

The many angles of Mable. When a pup is in the house it’s so easy for them to hog the camera. Just hanging out with DeMarco.

I’m stuck!

I think I’ll take a little nappiedoo.

Mable is Trenton’s favorite! He’s quite protective of her.

We should have pups coming. I’m waiting to confirm pregnancies before I start posting all about it. Hopefully pups coming in July! 😉
BLOGS WRITTEN THIS WEEK! I used one for two of the websites because I thought it was relevant for both and I ran out of time. 🙂 Do you have questions you want answered about Frenchies? Feel free to ask. I might just write a blog about it.
Considering a Frenchie pup? Here’s how to train a Frenchie to not nibble on your fingers.
Read it here.

Make sure to checkout the available pups. We have some cutie pies. I’m happy to set up a time for you to meet them live via FaceTime or Zoom. Just let me know which pups you’d like to meet. 🙂 719-308-7444
As you can see, we do our best to socialize and train our pups based on their age and abilities. If you’re looking for a Frenchie pup, make sure to check out our available pups.
The French Bulldog of Colorado pups in their homes. 🙂