Our French Bulldogs - The French Bulldog of Colorado Skip to content
In Memory of Frenchies Darcy & Paris-Otherwise known as The Girls.

In Memory of Frenchies Darcy & Paris-Otherwise known as The Girls.

I feel it necessary to write this in memory of Frenchies Darcy & Paris, my girls. Darcy really was a special girl in my life. She came to me when
Romeo The Spoiled French Bulldog

Romeo The Spoiled French Bulldog

Hi I’m Romeo the spoiled French Bulldog! Hehe! Momma’s nicknames for me include Romster, Romster Roo, and Rom. I came to join my family as an early Christmas present. The
Jewels Lilac Female French Bulldog

Jewels Lilac Female French Bulldog

Hi I’m Jewels a lilac female French Bulldog. My real name is Juliet but everyone called me Jewels. I came to live with my momma after my fur brother Romeo.
Annie Lilac Fawn Merle French Bulldog

Annie Lilac Fawn Merle French Bulldog

Hi, I’m Annie and lilac fawn merle French Bulldog. Momma says I’m quite the little beauty. She especially loves how my eyes have stayed blue as often blue eyes turn
Bubbles Lilac Fawn Merle French Bulldog

Bubbles Lilac Fawn Merle French Bulldog

Hi, I’m Bubbles a lilac fawn merle French Bulldog. Lilac fawn means I’m a champagne color and the merle means I have other pieces of greyish color throughout my coat.
Lestina Lilac with Tan Points French Bulldog Female

Lestina The French Bulldog of Colorado-Lilac with Tan Points

Hi! I’m Lessie Poo The French Bulldog of Colorado! Anyways, that’s what momma calls me. She says my name is very special as I am named after someone very important