Are the French Bulldog puppies vet checked? Yes. For starters all of our little Frenchies are born via c-section and the vet checks them out on their first day of life. We then have him check them out again at 6-7 weeks. This allows us the ability to know if there are any issues with our Frenchie babies. The last thing we would want to do is send a Frenchie out that has any known genetic issues.
For vaccinations we give DA2PP at 6 and 9 weeks old. The final shot will be given by your vet at 12 weeks. We give preventative treatments for worms and giardia at 5, 7, and 9 weeks. We also give preventative treatments for coccidia at 6 and 8 weeks.
Rest assured your Frenchie baby will come vet checked, with first shots, and preventative deworming treatments. We do our best to ensure you receive a healthy puppy to make your experience as positive as possible. Remember we also do have a 2 year health guarantee against genetics that has the option to be extended out to 5 years.
Get Your French Bulldogs vet checked by Your Vet!
You will be responsible for taking your French Bulldog puppy to the vet within 48 hours of picking up your little bundle of joy. If you pick-up on the weekend, you have an additional 48 hours to do so. It’s best to get them in as soon as possible. When you know your pick-up date call the vet and get the puppy well check scheduled. After the appointment email us the copy of the vet check-up. Your vet will set-up the shot and deworming schedule for your puppy. Typically they will give one to two more DA2PP vaccinations at 12-16 weeks along with rabies at 14-16 weeks (depending on state regulations).
Vets usually give booster shots every year after that. Rabies are given every 1 to 3 years depending on your state requirements. There is also evidence booster shots only need to be given every 3 years. If you wish to follow this schedule, discuss with your veterinarian.