Hi, I’m Bubbles a lilac fawn merle French Bulldog. Lilac fawn means I’m a champagne color and the merle means I have other pieces of greyish color throughout my coat. The merle is hard to see but when you look close you can definitely tell. I also have light eyes. Momma says I carry cream. She’s pretty excited about this as I could have platinum colored puppies. My nicknames are Bubs and Bubby.
Momma raised me from a pup.

She loved taking pics of me and dressing me up in cute headbands

My fur-momma is Maddie and I also have my sister Lestina that I’ve grown up with. Lessie and I love to play soccer with the metal food bowls. I especially love carrying one around when it’s time to eat. I think momma appreciates my help.

I am the first to jump in my cage and patiently wait for my food to be ready for me. Momma makes my food fresh for me for breakfast and dinner. It’s raw chicken, steamed veggies, eggs, and a variety of other things like liver to keep me healthy. I also take my daily vitamins, probiotics, and fish oil. Oh, and I have been known to eat a few things like socks but momma has kept me alive and I think I’m over that phase of my life. Momma does watch me close and has trained the boys to not leave stuff laying around.
My most favorite past time is chewing on my water buffalo horns. In fact, all of the horns are mine! When I’m not chewing on my horns, you can find me romping around the back yard playing. I love to run as fast as I can with my Frenchie friends.

I also love when it’s time to lay on the couch and watch movies with the human family in the evenings. Overall, I’d say I am a happy Frenchie girl. Just tell momma to give me more buffalo horns. I can never have too many.

Oh, and momma says I should have my first litter of pups by the end of 2022 and Nacho will be my baby daddy.
Bubbles and her puppers are doing amazing. We figured out the temperature that they like, and they filled up their bellies. Looking forward to seeing these little babies grow.
#frenchie #frenchbulldog #tfbcobubbles #tfbconacho

Bubbles has five happy, healthy little bundles of joy. 4 girls. 1 boy. Platinum and lilac fawn merle.
Make sure to follow to watch these pups grow.
#frenchbulldog #frenchies #tfbcobubbles #tfbconacho

Yep, Bubbles kept us busy today running to the vet to have her puppies on St. Patty’s day. We’re patiently waiting here.
#frenchie #frenchbulldog #tfbcobubbles

I’m Sonoma! I love to hang out with humans, play, and snuggle. I spend my days playing on the deck and eating yummy, good for me food. I’d love to meet you! Let’s FaceTime or do a zoom call.
#frenchie #thefrenchbulldogofcolorado #tfbcosonoma #tfbcobubbles #tfbconacho #frenchbulldogpuppy #platinumfrenchies

Tytan said afterwards, “Put that on social media.” So we did.
Just a normal Tuesday evening around here.
👀See available pups on our website. www.thefrenchbulldogofcolorado.com
#frenchie #thefrenchbulldofcolorado #frenchbulldog #tfbcobubbles #tfbconacho

The boys each have a pup to train and love on this summer. I figured it’s about time they learn what it’s like to care for a pup.
👀Make sure to follow us so you can watch their pupventures. Your kiddos might even find inspiration.
#frenchie #frenchiepup #thefrenchbulldogofcolorado #tfbcochubs #tfbcobella #tfbconacho #tfbcolestina #tfbcobubbles

Who wants to take me out for ice cream this summer?
Savannah is a fun loving lilac fawn merle female with beautiful blue-green eyes.
#frenchie #frenchbulldog #thefrenchbulldogofcolorado #tfbconacho #tfbcobubbles #tfbcosavannah

This is Sedona. Well-loved and available for her furever family. Somebody better snag her before Trenton keeps her.
#frenchie #thefrenchbulldogofcolorado #tfbcosedona #tfbconacho #tfbcobubbles