Jewels Lilac Female French Bulldog

Jewels Lilac Female French Bulldog

Hi I’m Jewels a lilac female French Bulldog. My real name is Juliet but everyone called me Jewels. I came to live with my momma after my fur brother Romeo. Momma thought it was cute to have a Romeo and Juliet even though we’re half brother and sister and he’s neutered so we’re just friends.

I’ve had 3 litters of babies and am now retired. Annie will take over for me in continuing our lines. Momma says she loves our lines as we have a short stocky body and have sweet personalities. Here’s pics of my first litter of pup squeaks.

My Life now!

I am enjoying retired life. Momma lets me and Romeo enjoy roaming the house as we are the most mature and respect her things. It took me awhile to get to this point as I used to be just as destructive as the younger pups chewing on whatever I could get my paws on. My favorite part of the day is waking up snuggling with momma while she drinks her coffee by the fireplace. The least favorite part of the day is my first trip outside to potty. I’m not a morning person and I really don’t like it when it’s cold outside. I do paw at momma when I want attention and pets. Momma says she loves staring into my eyes and tells me I’m beautiful. My human brothers love that I get to come in and sleep with them as they always beg to sleep in mom and dad’s room on the floor. We all pile in a heap and snooze away. Here’s some more pics of me doing stuff but mostly snoozing. Snoozing is my favorite.

I started out on kibble but momma made the change to a diet of raw meats, eggs, lightly steamed veggies, a little rice, and organ meats. She says I have the appropriate waist line now and am healthier than ever. I love her for taking care of me. She also gives me multivitamins, probiotics, and fish oil. She’d like for me to walk more but I just get to overheated too fast so we go on short little walks together when it’s cool enough. 

Make sure to follow us on Instagram as she posts lots of stuff with me in it.

We think you’re the best daddy ever!!

#frenchie #thefrenchbulldogofcolorado #frenchbulldog #fathersday #tfbcoromeo #tfbcojewels
A Frenchie loves you no matter what you look, sound, or smell like. 😂

👀If you’re looking for a Frenchie, check out our available pups. Summer is a great time to add a pup as the weather tends to be a bit nicer outside for potty training and your kiddos have more time to bond.

#frenchie #frenchielove #thefrenchbulldogofcolorado #tfbcoromeo #tfbcojewels #frenchbulldog

Read more about my other Frenchie friends!





Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022

Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022

Happy Frenchie Friday


Hi all, and happy Frenchie Friday! I hope you all experience a weekend where you are really appreciating the life you have with your Frenchie. Dierks Bentley’s song Living has been speaking to me quite a bit as sometimes we forget all we’ve been given. When I went through my yoga certification over a decade ago now in my yoga reading by Eknath Easwaran he said, “Love is in the give and take of every day relationships.” I believe that 100% but sometimes I forget it as well. It is in the ordinary things of everyday life that is really living like snuggling your Frenchie, being able to walk him, and or even being the one with the honor of holding him accountable for his actions. Life really is amazing and having a Frenchie in it makes it even better. I encourage you to take a moment this weekend to really appreciate the every day things. 

We do a lot of everyday things through the week like snoozing. As you can tell, Romeo does a lot of snoozing. 

Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022
Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022
Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022
Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022

We watch movies together. This week we watched Beethoven 1 & 2 as I feel like it’s a classic all kids and Frenchies should watch. 🙂

Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022
Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022

We beg for just a little bite as well. 

Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022

We did celebrate Tytan receiving an award for integrity from school by playing at the park, going out to eat, and getting ice cream and playing games at Lolley’s. The Frenchies didn’t get to join us but they got lots of snuggles when we got back.

Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022
Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022
Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022
Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022

Hope you all have a great weekend enjoying your Frenchies and loved ones! 

Jewels is our featured Frenchie on The French Bulldog of Colorado. Read more about her to find out how she got her retired life and how she got her name. 

Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022

Xylitol poisoning is on the rise in Frenchies as more and more products are adding it as a sweetener. Make sure you read more on how to prevent xylitol poisoning in your Frenchie. 

Frenchie Friday April 8th, 2022

Got pics of your Frenchie? We’d love to see them and share them with the rest of the group. 

Next Breedings. 

I am anticipating our next breedings to be in May, June, and July so we should have some fall puppies. I am currently experiencing Frenchie baby fever as I haven’t gone this long without them for quite some time. 


Stud Service

We also provide a stud service for our male Platinum male Nacho and other males. Isn’t he a handsome little guy! Looking for more sires to add to the program. Let me know if you’d like information on adding your male. 

Frenchie Friday  April 29th, 2022

Frenchie Breeders

I’m looking for Frenchie breeders to partner with who do genetic testing. I love matching quality pups to good homes. I realize it’s a lot of work to raise babies and place them in homes. Contact me for details. 719-308-7444

Follow Frenchies Naturally on Instagram! 

My best friend Erica has taken over posting images on Instagram for me for Frenchies Naturally. She’s great at design and frees me up to do what I do best which is Frenchie education. Take a look at what she’s done so far. Click here to follow and stay informed: instagram for Frenchies Naturally. 

Frenchie Friday April 22nd, 2022
You can also follow us on Instagram for The French Bulldog of Colorado

Send me your instagram links as I’d love to follow you! 

Send your own Frenchie pics as I’d love to see them and share them!!!

info@ or text to 719-308-7444
I will be posting them to instagram and Facebook so make sure to follow these pages. 


Make sure to checkout the available pups. We have some cutie pies. I’m happy to set up  a time for you to meet them live via FaceTime or Zoom. Just let me know which pups you’d like to meet. 🙂 719-308-7444

As you can see, we do our best to socialize and train our pups based on their age and abilities. If you’re looking for a Frenchie pup, make sure to check out our available pups. 

The French Bulldog of Colorado pups in their homes. 🙂

Happy Families!

Check out our available Frenchie pups.

Want more guidance on your Frenchies health & wellness? Check out our sister site Frenchies Naturally.