Hi I’m Jewels a lilac female French Bulldog. My real name is Juliet but everyone called me Jewels. I came to live with my momma after my fur brother Romeo. Momma thought it was cute to have a Romeo and Juliet even though we’re half brother and sister and he’s neutered so we’re just friends.

I’ve had 3 litters of babies and am now retired. Annie will take over for me in continuing our lines. Momma says she loves our lines as we have a short stocky body and have sweet personalities. Here’s pics of my first litter of pup squeaks.

My Life now!
I am enjoying retired life. Momma lets me and Romeo enjoy roaming the house as we are the most mature and respect her things. It took me awhile to get to this point as I used to be just as destructive as the younger pups chewing on whatever I could get my paws on. My favorite part of the day is waking up snuggling with momma while she drinks her coffee by the fireplace. The least favorite part of the day is my first trip outside to potty. I’m not a morning person and I really don’t like it when it’s cold outside. I do paw at momma when I want attention and pets. Momma says she loves staring into my eyes and tells me I’m beautiful. My human brothers love that I get to come in and sleep with them as they always beg to sleep in mom and dad’s room on the floor. We all pile in a heap and snooze away. Here’s some more pics of me doing stuff but mostly snoozing. Snoozing is my favorite.

I started out on kibble but momma made the change to a diet of raw meats, eggs, lightly steamed veggies, a little rice, and organ meats. She says I have the appropriate waist line now and am healthier than ever. I love her for taking care of me. She also gives me multivitamins, probiotics, and fish oil. She’d like for me to walk more but I just get to overheated too fast so we go on short little walks together when it’s cool enough.
Make sure to follow us on Instagram as she posts lots of stuff with me in it.
We think you’re the best daddy ever!!
#frenchie #thefrenchbulldogofcolorado #frenchbulldog #fathersday #tfbcoromeo #tfbcojewels

A Frenchie loves you no matter what you look, sound, or smell like. 😂
👀If you’re looking for a Frenchie, check out our available pups. Summer is a great time to add a pup as the weather tends to be a bit nicer outside for potty training and your kiddos have more time to bond.
#frenchie #frenchielove #thefrenchbulldogofcolorado #tfbcoromeo #tfbcojewels #frenchbulldog

Read more about my other Frenchie friends!