What should I do if my French Bulldog eats poop?

What should I do if my French Bulldog eats poop? The French Bulldog of Colorado Blog

Many owners are shocked when their sweet little French Bulldog eats poop. It is common enough to have its own name called coprophagy. Not all Frenchies will do this but some will. Let’s help you understand why and how to prevent it.

Medical Reasons Your French Bulldog eats poop.

  1. Enzyme Deficiency: 

Wild dogs were depending on eating whole prey for food which would provide them with additional digestive enzymes that just the ones they produce. Think pancreas. With kibble as most dogs main source of food they aren’t provided much in terms of digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes help break down nutrients in a way that they can be digested. If they are not getting enough nutrients they could turn around and eat their poo. 

2. Parasites

Your Frenchie could have parasites. Parasites need food too to stay alive and may cause your French Bulldog to not be able to absorb nutrients. 

Increased appetite from conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, or taking steroids may make your little one feel hungry 

3. Hydrochloric acid deficiency

If your Frenchie doesn’t have enough hydrochloric acid he may not be able to properly digest food resulting in a loss of nutrients. He may then turn to finding those nutrients in his feces. 

5. Underfeeding. 

If your French Bulldog is losing weight he may not be getting enough nutrients from his food.  A hungry dog will look for other sources of food. 

Behavioral Reasons Your French Bulldog Eats Poop. 

  1. Learned behavior from mother.

One of the reasons they might is they learn it from their mother. Momma’s eat their puppies puppy poo to keep things clean and tidy. Some of their little ones just might catch on and make it a habit.

2. Exploration

Most puppies put everything in their mouths to learn more about their environment…including poop. Fortunately, I have noticed most Frenchies who do tend to grow out of it in a few weeks, months, and at the latest around one year old.

3.     Boredom. 

Sometime they eat poop because they don’t have anything else to do. 

4.    Scavengers. 

Dogs are natural scavengers and unlike us it smells great to them. 

5.     Stress.

Some dogs eat their own poo to relieve stress. 

6.     Attention seeking

It may seem weird but some may think bad attention is better than no attention. They may do it for attention. 

7.     Punishment. 

Some dogs are concerned with being punished so they eat it to hide the evidence. 

How to stop your French Bulldog from eating poop. 

  1. Keep it clean. 

Go outside with your Frenchie and pick up the poop as soon as he goes. 

2. Develop Play. 

It’s important to keep your Frenchies mind stimulated with play and toys that stimulate his brain. Make sure they are safe and always supervise when playing with toys. 

3. Feed a good quality diet & consider adding a multivitamin, digestive enzymes, and probiotics. 

Add a good quality multivitamin with minerals. Giving your French a good multivitamin/mineral can prevent him to looking at his poo to meet his nutritional needs. 

For a hydrochloric acid deficiency consider adding apple cider vinegar in their water or mixed with food at 1 tsp per 25lbs body weight. If your puppy is around 12lbs then give about 1/2 tsp as a reference.

4. Check for parasites. 

Call your vet and ask for him to do a fecal sample. Deworm your Frenchie regularly as well.

Studies show punishing your French isn’t effective. The food additives are only effective 2% of the time. Keep your French Bulldogs digestive tract in consideration when eating poo. He may be deficient in something. I will tell you that each of mine has outgrown it. Sometimes it’s a few weeks, months, and others stop around 1 year old. 

Must Have French Bulldog Skin & Wound Care First Aid Items

Must Have French Bulldog Skin & Wound Care First Aid Items The French Bulldog of Colorado Blog

Many new owners are unaware of the must have French Bulldog skin & wound care first aid items they should have on hand. It’s not a question of if but when your Frenchie will have a wound whether small or larger that will need to be treated. I have multiple Frenchies and it’s not uncommon for one of them to have a scratch, abrasion, sores, and skin irritations that could use a little help healing. We use this two part system. In fact we have these on hand at all times. One time I didn’t have it and I felt like kicking myself because I had to wait two days before receiving it in the mail. Time is tissue. You can prevent infections when spraying these products on your Frenchie when they arise.

Part 1: The Vetericyn antimicrobial wound & skin care spray

This is our go to item for healing any skin issues for our Frenchies. If they have stitches, skin bump, skin irritation, or a bite wound from one of their Frenchie friends this is what we apply and it works. Always, watch for signs of infection such as redness, swelling, and heat at the site and discuss with your veterinarian. You simply spray it on the site 3-4 times daily. Safe for around the mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. It’s best used with the hydrogel.

Part 2: The Vetericyn Antimicrobial Hydrogel

After applying the wound & skin care spray, spray the hydrogel on the site. This is important as it adheres to the site, keeping it moist, and allowing the healing process to work most effectively.

These products are safe for all Frenchies at all stages of life and safe if licked. We swear by these products and recommend building your own Frenchie First Aid Kit and they include these items.

You can buy products individually here.

Or get the whole Vetericyn line of skin, ear, and eye care first aid kit.

Enter FRENCHIEFAMILY10 to receive 10% off your French Bulldog Skin & Wound Care First Aid Items.

The 3 Most Common Reasons a French Bulldog Puppy Has a Loose Stool.

The 3 Most Common Reasons a French Bulldog Puppy Has a Loose Stool The French Bulldog of Colorado Blog

Whenever we place a puppy in a home we always discuss the 3 most common reasons why a French Bulldog puppy may have a loose stool when joining your home. Don’t worry the majority of time your Frenchies stool will be fine and even when loose it’s not typically an emergency.

The top 3 most common reasons a French Bulldog puppy may have a loose stool.

First, joining a new home is an environmental stressor even though he is going to be the spoiled center of attention and loving his new position in life. Just as people can run back and forth to the bathroom when stressed so can little puppies. This is their first time away from their siblings and meeting all of their new two-and-four-legged family members.

Second, giardia is everywhere and in everything and common in puppies and immune compromised adults. Remember your puppy has only been alive for weeks and still building up his immune system.  When your puppy leaves us he will have had two rounds of the dewormer called Panacur. This deworming also gets rid giardia as well. It is our best attempt for your puppy to not have giardia when coming into your home. Anything that poops on the ground such as deer, rabbits, birds, other dogs, etc… and then your puppy walks through it and licks his paw he could get it.

Third, coccidia can flare up when under stressful situations as well as picked up in the ground by anything that defecates there as well.

When you take your puppy to the vet within 48 hours of pickup for its puppy wellness check, your vet will take a stool sample. They will be able to tell you if either of these are present. Fortunately, the medications for these are fairly inexpensive (around $20). The important thing is you need to give the puppy every dose whether he likes it or not. The medications for coccidia tastes like syrup and is easy to give your puppy. The medications for giardia taste a little bitter and you will need to figure out a way to help your puppy get it down. If your vet recommends flagyl (other name metronidazole),  you can have it compounded to taste delicious but realize it will need to be compounded by a compounding pharmacy and will be a bit more expensive.  

What if my puppies stool has mucus or bloody?

Before your puppy leaves he is given DA2PP at 8 weeks old and if your puppy joins you after 12 weeks old then they will have an additional shot at 12 weeks old. The vaccination DA2PP covers Parvo. The chances that it is parvo is close to zero. Even when mucusy and even with some blood, it’s likely due to stress or your puppy may have eaten something he shouldn’t.

Do not change the food when brining your puppy home.

Changing food can be an additional stressor on a puppy. Many puppies do fine but some do not and end up with loose stools. We do not know how to predict which puppies won’t do well switching foods. As a result, we recommend keeping your Frenchie on the same diet for one month after bringing him to your home. Then if you’d like to change it, feel free to do so. Also, we have found that Frenchies stools stay harder on Royal Canin Small breed puppy food than other puppy foods. That’s why we use it and it’s also helpful in

Questions to ask yourself?

  • Is my puppy active and acting normal?
  • Is my puppy eating and drinking normally?

If the answer is yes to both questions, it’s likely not an emergency. If your, Frenchie is acting lethargic and not eating and/or drinking, it’s a sign something more serious is wrong and you should contact your veterinarian

Why is my French Bulldog Itchy?

Why is my French Bulldog Itchy? The French Bulldog of Colorado Blog

I have seen this question repeated often, “Why is my French Bulldog itchy?” This is a question that can take several articles to explain. Let’s keep it as simple as possible and I’ll show you my opinion and where you can start relieving or preventing itchiness in your Frenchie.

1. Be mindful of chemicals your Frenchie is exposed to.

Your Frenchie spends the majority of his time in close contact to the ground. Chemicals you place on your floor and lawn will be breathed in and have direct contact with the skin potentially causing skin irritation and being absorbed into their system. If absorbed their bodies have to process and eliminate it. Your Frenchie could have skin irritation due to these chemicals. Just like humans every Frenchie is different. I highly recommend starting with your floor cleaner, laundry soap (doggie beds and clothes), and chemicals sprayed on lawns in direct contact with your Frenchie.

A great place to search for safer, cleaner products is the EPA safer choice website. https://www.epa.gov/saferchoice/products

Flooring and multipurpose cleaner: Odoban

Laundry detergent: Biokleen

I’m not going to pretend like I know the best lawn products because I have just chosen to ignore lawn care that involves spraying chemicals in my backyard where the Frenchies & kiddos play. I really don’t care about having the perfectly manicured lawn but I realize some of you do. If I were looking for lawn care, I’d google pet safe lawn care or for those who enjoy DIY pet safe lawn care products.

Add a UV light and air filtration system to your HVAC system.

We often feel safe within our homes that are well insulated keeping us comfortable all year long. But often our homes are also a site for trapping allergens making both us and our Frenchies feel sick with allergies. In my networking, I met Annette who started Perairapy  after relieving her pets allergies and hotspots with the addition of a UV light system and air filtration system in her home. You must read more about adding one to your home here (this states it’s for fostering but it can be used in your home). https://petairapy.com/animal-industry-solutions/pet-foster-homes/ You can also watch her story below. Again she targets professionals dog facilities but also has one just for your home.

Do no overbathe your Frenchie.

Dogs evolved with the dirt and there are microorganisms, minerals, etc… in the dirt that are beneficial for your Frenchies skin health. Think about the benefits of mud baths and clay masks for humans. Allowing dirt on your Frenchie is ok. When you overbathe them you strip them of the benefits of the soil. We recommend bathing your Frenchie no more than once a month. You can read more about how often to bathe your Frenchie here. https://thefrenchbulldog.com/how-often-should-i-bathe-my-french-bulldog/

Frenchies skin is three times thinner than yours. This means he is more likely to absorb what is placed on his skin. Because of this we also recommend using clean non-toxic shampoos when bathing. https://thefrenchbulldog.com/what-should-i-bathe-my-french-bulldog-with/

Why is my Frenchie itchy? Other reasons to consider.

These are just three things you can do to for your Frenchie to help relieve or prevent itchiness. Obviously, there are other things that can cause your Frenchie to be itchy as well such as:

  • Overgrowth of candida yeast
  • Food allergies
  • Parasites
  • Infections such as ear infections
  • Fleas
  • Hot spots
  • Dry skin
  • Weather changes
  • Environmental allergies such as pollen
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Anxiety
  • Boredom
  • Diet
  • And others

We will slowly go through some of the other reasons why your Frenchie could be itchy. Not all Frenchies will have issues with being itchy. Please do not worry if you’re waiting on your very own Frenchie pup. This article is for those who want to prevent itchiness and help those out whose Frenchies might be itchy. I have found what is usually good for the earth is good for our us and our Frenchies. It’s a fun, interesting journey of discovering the best health and wellness pieces to add for optimizing our two and four legged family members health.

7 Tips to Help Your French Bulldog Puppy Adjust to His New Home.

7 Tips to Help Your French Bulldog Puppy Adjust to His New Home The French Bulldog of Colorado Blog

For many new and repeat puppy parents it’s an exciting time to help your French Bulldog puppy adjust to his new home. Your Frenchie will love coming to live in your new home and being the center of attention. Realize this is all new to him as he’s only live about 10 weeks of life. Everything will be new. Just as humans have different personalities so do Frenchies. Some are naturally adventurous loving all the new experiences. While some are more reserved and want to take all of these experiences slowly. Learn your Frenchies personality and adjust accordingly.

Tips for helping your French Bulldog puppy adjust to his new home.

  1. Choose a potty spot. It’s a good idea to choose a particular spot indoors on a potty pad or outdoors that you’d like your Frenchie to potty at. Also choose your command such as “go potty” and stick with it.  Praise your puppy each time.
  2. Introduce your Frenchie to his new home. This does not mean introduce him to your entire house the first day. It means introduce him to a small area. This can be a crate  surrounded by a playpen or an area blocked off by a baby gate. Let him familiarize himself with the area.  Show him where his food and water is.  Then introduce him to the areas of the house that are not off limits.
  3. Introduce your Frenchie to his new family members. When you pick-up your Frenchie he will likely have met many of the family members. When at home introduce him to the rest of the immediate family crew and any pets. Realize he is learning the rules of the new house. Your other four legged family members will likely have their own rules as well. A growl is ok as that will be how they teach the puppy that it’s crossed the line. Biting and snapping at them is more of a concern that may need corrected.
  4. Provide appropriate chew toys. Frenchies like to put things in their mouths. That’s how they learn and we say they are like toddlers in this area. Provide them with plenty of chew toys to keep them entertained. The water buffalo rope toy is one of our Frenchies favorites.
  5. Keep a close eye on your Frenchie. Overuse his area the crate/playpen to keep him safe and help with potty training. This means if your Frenchie is not in your vision, place him in his crate or playpen. They are like toddlers and safety must come first.
  6. Teach your Frenchie where it will sleep. You can choose to crate your Frenchie or allow him to sleep in your bed. Just realize consistency is key. If you allow your Frenchie in your bed, he will likely expect it for the rest of his life
  7. Begin enforcing rules. Anything that will not be cute when an adult at 20+ lbs should be corrected as a puppy. This means if you don’t want him chewing on your hand or foot when older don’t let him do it now. I made the mistake on one of my first dogs as an adult in letting her run from me as a puppy. I’d chase her and scoop her up. Let’s just say it wasn’t so cute as an adult when she could faster than me. Be sure to praise your puppy for good behavior and avoid yelling or frightening your new puppy.

Availability vs. Pick-up Date of my Frenchie: What’s the difference?

Availability vs. Pick-up Date of my Frenchie: What’s the difference? The French Bulldog of Colorado Blog

We get this question all of the time, “ What will be the pick-up date of my Frenchie?” Picking up your Frenchie baby is a very exciting event and one we know you want/need to plan for. In an effort to help you know an approximate date of pick-up, we have added an availability date. This is the date that your puppy turns 10-12 weeks old. We prefer to place our Frenchies in homes at 10-12 weeks old vs 8 weeks as we have found they transition much better. Now that being said some need additional time just like human babies to mature. We always reserve the right to change the date as to what is in the best interest of the puppy. With 40 years of experience in raising various breeds (20 of those years being Frenchies), we have a pretty good eye for the puppies who need extra time to blossom. It is our responsibility to you and the Frenchies to make the transition as smooth as possible. We are not placing bicycles in homes. We are placing live little beings and we cannot predict what biological systems will do one to two weeks ahead of time with 100% accuracy. If we say your puppy isn’t ready, we ask that you trust us and make the appropriate adjustments. Yes, we know understand you may be disappointed as the Frenchie might be a present or you might have taken time off from work and your work will not adjust your time off.

Definitions of the availability and pick-up date of my Frenchie.

Availability date: The date the Frenchie turns 10-12 weeks old.

Pick-up date: The date you will pick up your puppy.

What is the  difference between the availability date and pick-up date of my Frenchie?

In an effort to communicate approximate pick-up date we have added the availability date on each puppy’s page. This helped decrease the flood of questions on when they would be available but it created some confusion as to exact pick-up dates. Typically the pick-up date will be around the availability date within 3-10 days. We usually know the date 7-10 days in advance and we realize for the planners out there this will be the most challenging part of the process for you. Please realize we are working with biological systems. There are several reasons why the date can change.

  • Your puppy is on the smaller side and needs more time to grow and blossom.
  • Your puppy may develop the sniffles. Changes in weather can cause upper respiratory issues and we will want to be sure that’s all it is.
  • The vet may recommend the puppy remain with us extra time.

Please be open to pick up dates as we do our best to provide them as soon as possible. Feel free to reach out but realize I might not have an answer for you right away as there are several variables to consider. Typically I will text you as soon as I know a date and make arrangements for time of pick-up. You will have your Frenchie baby but just realize we will have to work together on a date to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Why do I need to take my French Bulldog puppy to the vet?

Why do I need to take my French Bulldog puppy to the vet? The French Bulldog of Colorado Blog

In case you were wondering we are so strict about taking your French Bulldog puppy to the vet within 48 hours of pick-up, we will discuss it here. Our puppies are first seen by the vet on their first day of life when they are born via c-section. We then have them checked out again between 7-8 weeks old. After they pass their puppy wellness check, then you are able to pick-up your Frenchie at 10 weeks old in Colorado. You are then required to maintain the health guarantee to take your puppy to the vet within 48 hours. If it is the weekend, you have an additional 48 hours to do so. Taking your puppy to your vet is an important step to make sure your vet agrees or disagrees with our vet.

We receive this question often, “I can’t get my Frenchie into the vet until a time outside the time frame can I still pick him up?”  We completely understand how much you want to have your baby home with you as soon as you can possibly get your hands on him. There are two main reasons why we cannot approve this.

  1. The longer you have a puppy in your home, the more attached you become and the harder it will be to return if your vet does find an issue that would require returning.
  2. If you wait outside the time allotted and your puppy comes down with an illness caused by a virus or bacteria we will not know if the exposure came from us or when the baby was in your possession. We will likely presume the latter.

What should I do if I can’t my French Bulldog puppy to a vet appointment within the allotted time frame?

Yes, we understand that sometimes it is only a week out when you know the date of pick-up and this can be tricky. Here are a few options for you if your vet doesn’t have a time available within the 48 hour time window.

  1. Reschedule pick-up date.  
  2. Find another vet that does have an available appointment. You can then return to your regular vet for follow-ups. You can also ask to be on the waitlist for your regular vet just in case an opening occurs.

Please let us know ahead of time if you are needing to reschedule your pick-up date. We are typically flexible in our schedules for pick-ups and are happy to schedule a time that works within the guidelines of the health guarantee.

What if I live out of town?

If you are driving from out of town, you may want to consider taking your puppy to a local vet in Colorado Springs before returning home. We have had families go to Petsmart vet before returning home and we’ve had them drive back home to see their regular vet. It’s completely up to you, but keep in mind that you are responsible for the return of the puppy if required. Fortunately, we do not have many returns. These are just things we want for you to be aware of.

What can I do to help my French Bulldogs ears stand up?

What can I do to help my French Bulldogs ears stand up? The French Bulldog of Colorado Blog

I have heard this question often, “What can I do to help my French Bulldogs ears stand up?” First, let’s have a little review. Most of the time we see Frenchies ears stand up between 5-10 weeks old. If you notice in the weekly pictures that your babies ears are not upright but the siblings are, there is no need to fret. Every Frenchie matures at a different rate just like a human baby. Chances are you will see them pop up before they come live with you. You may also notice they were up and the next week they flopped down. That is also normal.

What should I do to help my French Bulldogs ears stand up?

Sometimes their ears need a little help standing upright. There’s some very simple things for you to do.

  1. Make sure you are giving them their daily scoop of multivitamin you received at pick-up. You can also order here. Calcium is in this mixture and may help with getting those ears upright.
  2. When you are snuggling with your puppy massage its ear and hold them upright. Or tie each ear with a ribbon hair tie. Do not tie them too tight or use hair ties that will cut off circulation.
  3. Attach bandaids at the base of each ear pointing them up at a 1 and 11 o’clock position. It may take one-two bandaids per ear depending on the size of the ears and bandaids. Do not leave your puppy with another dog as the ears may now look like chew toys. You can leave the bandaids on for a 1-5 days. Repeat as necessary.

What Should I bathe my French Bulldog with?

What Should I bathe my French Bulldog with? The French Bulldog of Colorado Blog

Just what should I bathe my French Bulldog with? That is a great question you should be asking as Frenchie lover. Why is this so important you ask? Did you know cancer is the primary cause of death in dogs over 2 years old and 95% of those cancers are caused by environmental factors? Minimizing your Frenchies exposure to environmental factors is critical. One way to do this is through the grooming products you place on their skin.

Your French Bulldogs’ skin is three times thinner than yours. This means that the products you place on his skin are easily absorbed into his system. Your little Frenchie then has to work overtime to detoxify the toxins you’ve placed on him. Unfortunately, many manufacturers make it difficult to find truly difficult to find safe options for your Frenchie. They use greenwashing and greenmarketing (a practice of marketing products as natural when they are not or worth more by highlighting the benefits and charging more).

You will not want to use grooming products with ingredients such as these on your Frenchie….probably not on your either.

Proprietary blend of coat and skin conditioners and moisturizers. Don’t know what’s in the bottle.
Artificial fragrance Some synthetic ingredients linking to cancer & reproductive/developmental toxicity.
Pthalates See fragrance on the label it’s likely to have phthalates present which bond fragrance to the other ingredients. They are hormone disruptors resulting in endocrine issues.
Artificial colors Synthesized from petroleum. Linked to organ damage, cancer, birth defects, and allergic reactions.
Formaldehyde preservatives: Bromopol, Doazolidinyl urea, DMDM Hydantoin (often mis-typed on dog shampoo bottles as DHDH hydantoin), Imidazolidinyl urea, Quaternium-7, -15, -31, -61, and Sodium hydroxymethylglycinate.  May trigger an immune response like burning, itching, blistering, or scaling of the skin.
Isothiazolinone preservatives: Methylisothiazolinone & MethylchloroisothiazolinoneSkin irritants associated with allergic reactions. May also be a neurotoxin.
Paraben preservatives: butylparaben, methylparaben, or propylparaben.  May be stored in the body and have a cumulative effect causing estrogen disruption, cancer, and reproductive issues.
Cocamide-MEA High risk of being contaminated with nitrosamines which are thought to be carcinogenic, reproductive, developmental & organ toxicity
TriethanolamineHigh risk of being contaminated with nitrosamines which are thought to be carcinogenic, reproductive, developmental & organ toxicity.
Mineral oil Used to help skin retain water with its protective barrier over it but also keeps the skin eliminating toxins and  its own natural oils. Hydrocarbon made from crude oil that’s a toxin and potential allergen inducer.
SD Alcohol 40: isopropyl or SD-40Drying to skin and hair. Enhances skin absorption meaning toxins have an easier time entering through the skin. Watch out for ear cleaning products.
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) Humectant-retain skin moisture. Skin irritant, penetration enhancer (carrier for other chemicals to cross through the skin and in the bloodstream). May be contaminated with dioxane and ethylene oxide.
PEG-40 Lanolin Polyethylene glycol derivative of lanolin and may be contaminated with dioxane and ethylene oxide.
Propylene glycol Penetration enhancer. Suspected immune system toxin, neurotoxin, reproductive toxin, and skin toxin.
Sodium benzoate preservativeWhen mixed with vitamin C or ascorbic acid they become benzene a cancer causing chemical.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)May cause eye irritation. Penetration enhancer.
Sodium Laureth Sulfate High risk for contamination with 1,4-dioxane (dioxane), a known carcinogen, and ethylene oxide – also a known carcinogen, developmental toxin, immunotoxin, and allergen. Derived from coconut oil and labeled as all natural plant based & vegan.
Ammonium Laureth Sulfate May be contaminated with dioxane and ethylene oxide. May cause skin irritation.
PolysorbatesTreated with ethylene oxide and if not totally removed it’s contaminated with a known carcinogen.
Cocamidopropyl betaine Mixed with other chemicals that if remaining in the final products can form nitrosamines under high temperature or acidic pH.

What should I bathe my French Bulldog with then?

As Frenchie lovers and breeders, we know how much you love your Frenchie and want the best for him or her. Sometimes it just takes a little education to help make the right decision to know what to bathe my French Bulldog with. There are several great companies making clean and safe products for your Frenchie out there. We love Aroma Paws products and highly recommend your order the whole grooming kit for your Frenchie. They work great and smell great! Use the code FRENCHIEFAMILY10 to receive 10% off at www.frenchiesnaturally.com

How Often Should I bathe my French Bulldog?

How Often Should I bathe my French Bulldog? The French Bulldog of Colorado Blog

I have this questioned asked often, “How often should I bathe my French Bulldog?” One thing I’ve realized is the more care we give our Frenchie the more we feel better about the care we give them even if it’s not in their best interest. I believe we need to ask ourselves what is in the best interest of our Frenchies not what is in the best interest of our mindset.

My Frenchies do not have allergies and I contribute that partially to the fact that we do not overbathe them. There are other factors in play as well. But let’s consider a few things. Have you ever seen a dog rolling in the dirt? This is a an evolutionary adaptive behavior for its overall health and wellness. There are microrganisms, bacteria, and fulvic and humic acids in the soil that have evolved over time alongside our four legged friends. Dirt is necessary. Just think about going to a spa for a mud bath for yourself. There’s a reason for it and there’s a reason why dirt on your little Frenchie prince or princess is best for their overall health and wellness.

When should you bathe your Frenchie?

First, the first bath your Frenchie will receive is before he joins you. At you pick up, your Frenchie will have experienced his first bath. We recommend bathing your Frenchies no more than once every two weeks. That being said, I prefer one bath monthly for my Frenchies. Sometimes it’s longer. In between baths I use the Aroma Paws essential oils sprays. When they need it I apply the nose butter and use the in between cleaner to clean their folds and wrinkles around the nose and tail pocket and under their eyes.

When should you bathe your Frenchie more than once every two weeks?

There are always exceptions to the rules. You may need to wash your Frenchie more often than once every two weeks if they:

  • Potty or poo on themselves during potty training.
  • Think they are little piglets and take a dip in the mud.
  • Have fleas, follow the treatments instructions.
  • Develop little bumps that need to be treated with a special shampoo. Follow the bottle or vet instructions.
  • Rolled in something gross.

How often should I bathe my French Bulldog? No more than every two weeks or if you meet one of the exceptions. Next week we will discuss what to look for in ingredients that are safe for your Frenchie. We love Aroma Paws products as they are safe, effective, and smell great. Don’t forget if you are picking up your little one soon we will have these ready for you if you decide they are for your little one and you can enter the code FRENCHIEFAMILY at checkout to receive 20% off. For others enter FRENCHIEFAMILY10 to receive 10% off. You can see the complete grooming package here or can order individual products here.

Should I Spay or Neuter My French Bulldog?

Should I Spay or Neuter My French Bulldog? The French Bulldog of Colorado Blog

We often get this question, “Should I spay or neuter my French Bulldog?” First off, let’s be very clear. The word spay refers to sterilizing a female and neutering refers to sterilizing a male. Spaying and neutering has become popularized for reducing the overall pet population and keeping animals out of shelters. Which we agree is of high importance. What this article will do is inform you about the various other options for preventing unwanted French Bulldog pregnancies and the various procedures to do so.

Traditional Spay & Neuter

Spaying and neutering is the removal of a females ovaries/uterus and a males testicles as way to sterilize your French Bulldog so he/she cannot reproduce. This route removes the major sources of sex hormones estrogen and testosterone that your Frenchie normally has in her/his body possibly effecting his growth & development and may cause potential health problems. Below is a table taken from Parsemus.

Impact if I Spay or Neuter My French Bulldog :

Realize not all Frenchies will have issues after being spayed or neutered. There are some breeds more prone to issues such as Rottweilers, Vizlas, and Golden Retrievers. However, I ccurrently annot find anything specific to French Bulldogs. For those of you who would like to keep the natural flow of hormones in your Frenchie’s body but want to prevent pregnancies as well there are other  options than the traditional spay or neuter.

Hormone Sparing Sterilization Options For Female French Bulldogs:

An Ovary Sparing Spay (OSS) removes the uterus and cervix but leaves the ovaries in tact which removes bleeding during heats and the risk of infection of the uterus (pyometra), as long as ALL of the uterus is removed. However, stump pyometra may occur if some uterine tissue is left.

Tubal ligations may also be performed but it’s often not recommended as the risk of pyometra may still occur.

Find a vet for alternative options to spay or neuter my French Bulldog

Behavorial Advantage & Disadvantages for Retaining Ovaries for Females

“It is earth-shattering to consider that some of the cancers we have been battling may have been enhanced by early neutering instead of the reverse.” Based on the research available, it is clear there are a number of health benefits of the sex steroid hormones. This benefit varies with age, sex, and breed. Therefore, although surgically altering your dog to be unable to breed is the responsible choice for most dogs, it is in the best interest of each individual patient for its veterinarian to assess the risks and benefits of removing the ovaries versus the options like a ovary sparing spay and to have your veterinarian advise you on what is appropriate for each individual pet at each stage of its life.

Dr. Villalobos, a well-respected veterinary oncologist

Hormone Sparing Sterilization Options For Males:

We have all heard of vasectomy’s for human males but did you know it’s a method of sterilization is accepted by the American Veterinary Medical Association for your French Bulldog male as well. To clarify, what they do is cut or tie the vas deferens preventing the transport of sperm. Your Frenchie will still have interest in females in heat and will have testicles and appear to be intact. The health risks going this route include testicular cancer, perineal hernia, and enlarged prostate later in life. Therefore they will typically treat these via castration if needed. You can see technical on how the procedure is performed here.

There is a possibility that the traditional neutering may decrease territorial aggression but increase anxiety which may be expressed as aggression.

Conclusion on Should I Spay or Neuter My French Bulldog?

The goal of this article wasn’t to tell you what to do but to inform you of the various options to sterilizing your Frenchie so you can do your part in preventing unwanted pregnancies. In addition, here are some resources to dive deeper.


Facebook group with training modules on OSS and vasectomies:


Find a Vet to perform alternative sterilization surgery:


Additional Reading

1. Belfield WO. For a more normal life for a pet: a partial spay (hysterectomy). Vet Med Small Anim Clin. (1972) 67:1223–4.

PubMed Abstract | Google Scholar

2. Torres de la Riva G, Hart BL, Farver TB, Oberbauer AM, Messam LL, Willits N, et al. Neutering dogs: effect on joint disorders and cancer in Golden Retrievers. PLoS ONE.(2013) 8:e55937. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0055937

PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar

3. Beauvais W, Cardwell JM, Brodbelt DC. The effect of neutering on the risk of mammary tumors in dogs—a systematic review. J Sm Anim Pract. (2012) 53:314–22. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-5827.2011.01220.x

PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar

4. Trabuco EC, Moorman PG, Algeciras-Schimnich A, Weaver AL, Cliby WA. Association of ovary-sparing hysterectomy with ovarian reserve. Obstet Gynecol. (2016) 127:819–27. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000001398

PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar

5. Schiff JD, Li PS, Schlegel PN, Goldstein M. Rapid disappearance of spermatozoa after vasal occlusion in the dog. J Androl. (2003) 24:361–3. doi: 10.1002/j.1939-4640.2003.tb02683.x

PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar

6. McMahon AJ, Buckley J, Taylor A, Lloyd SN, Deane RF, Kirk D. Chronic testicular pain following vasectomy. Br J Urol. (1992) 69:188–91.

PubMed Abstract | Google Scholar

7. Fossum TW, Hedlund CS. Surgery of the reproductive and genital systems. In: Fossum TW, editor. Small Animal Surgery. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier (2007). p. 702–44.

PubMed Abstract | Google Scholar

French Bulldog Puppy Pick-up Checklist

French Bulldog Puppy Pick-up Checklist The French Bulldog of Colorado Blog

Below I have provided the I formation for your Frenchie Bulldog Puppy pick-up checklist. You can also access the pdf here. Some spaces are left empty as they are specific for your baby.


Shot Record: 

DA2PP when your puppy turned 8 weeks old


Panacur at 6 & 8 weeks old. This was given 5 days in a row.


You will need to complete your Frenchie babies series of shots. Typically they will give one to two more DA2PP vaccinations at 12-16 weeks along with rabies at 14-16 weeks (depending on state regulations).

Vets usually give booster shots every year after that. Rabies are given every 1 to 3 years depending on your state requirements. There is also evidence booster shots only need to be given every 3 years. If you wish to follow this schedule, discuss with your veterinarian.

Below are the various guidelines.

Puppy Arrival Checklist

  • Begin potty training immediately. 
    • Buy dogfood if you haven’t already done so. Royal Canin Small Breed Puppy 
    • Choose a name. 
    • Take puppy to vet appointment w/in 2 business days. 
      • Continue shot series until complete
    • Register Puppy Microchip
  • Optional: Register AKC puppy papers in your name. If you did not receive AKC papers at pick-up we will mail them to you within 60 days. 
    • Optional: Purchase Puppy Insurance

Puppy Feeding Schedule

Your Frenchie has been provided unlimited amounts of food as he/she is growing. We suggest feeding your baby 4 times per day to start and giving unlimited amounts. You may want to have the last feeding around 6-7pm so your puppy has its last bowel movement before bedtime. As your puppy grows you can adjust this schedule. 


Add 1/4 of a scoop to your puppies food every day if under 10lbs.

10-20lbs place 1/2 scoop to puppies food every day.

20+lbs place 1 scoop to food daily.

Potty Training

Many sources say it’s at 12 weeks when a puppy does best at potty training. Begin implementing your method of potty training as soon your Frenchie baby arrives just be patient at first. We recommend crate training. Typically a puppy does not want to dirty his own space. Use dividers to make the space the appropriate size. If you are not watching the puppy, put the puppy in the crate. Give your puppy more space when you can trust him. Reward with positivity and petting when your puppy potties in the correct area. After he eats or drinks, after a nap, or first thing in the morning take him out to potty. 


We cannot overemphasize the importance of watching your Frenchie puppy at all times. If you are not watching him, place him in his crate or a puppy playpen. Puppies are like curious little toddlers. They put things in their mouth to explore and learn. Unfortunately some of these things can be poisonous such as certain essential oil, certain plants, cleaners, and small items can be choking hazards. When they are little, I use a doggie sling purse which keeps them with me so I can continue to do my chores.