Hi! I’m Lessie Poo The French Bulldog of Colorado! Anyways, that’s what momma calls me. She says my name is very special as I am named after someone very important to her and Daddy. Two days before I was born the husband of their best couple friends passed away. They were really sad as they both loved Lester so much as he was like a brother to both of them. In fact, they were the only one’s at their wedding and Tina and Lester were there for momma and daddy’s surprise wedding. They shared in many of the big moments of each others lives. Lester had this magical ability to make everyone around him feel loved and important. In fact, they used a huge auditorium for his friends to say their goodbye’s because he was just that kind of person. Without his presence a huge whole was left in this world.

Momma says that when she was pregnant with Tytan and Trenton, Lester would say if it’s a boy the name will be Lester. If it’s a girl it’ll be Lestina. When I was born momma instantly knew I was hers and she named me Lestina. She says it’s quite fitting as I am a social butterfly and insistent on being with her at all times. Look how cute I was.

Lester looked healthy but he had issues with his heart that he was afraid to take the medicine for. Momma says it’s important to do whatever it takes to make sure you’re as healthy as possible to be on this earth for the ones you love. Please don’t wait. Go do what you need to do. Get the support you need to make the changes for a healthier life.
Momma makes sure I eat super healthy by feeding me raw meat and organs, steamed veggies, probiotics, and digestive enzymes. I also like to go on walks when it’s my turn. You should see how athletic I am as I can jump over the fence to be with momma when she leaves me behind. I insist on being with her and follow her everywhere. In my spare time, I enjoy napping on the couch, chewing on my water buffalo horns, and playing soccer with my food bowl.

Momma says I should be a momma by the end of the year. She can’t wait to see my little squeaks. I carry cream as Harvey, my fur daddy, is a platinum lilac. Nacho will be my baby daddy and he’s a platinum lilac so I should have some platinum lilac babies. My momma is Maddie and my sister is Bubbles. Make sure to read about them as well when you’re bored because I’m way more interesting. Hehe! 🙂
I am enjoying my time a spoiled girl, romping around the property, and going with momma to pick the boys up from school. It’s a good life.
Make sure to follow us on Instagram as she posts lots of stuff with me in it. I think I’m the cutest! 🙂
Who can relate with Lessie? She says she’s ready for these pups to move on. Hehe! They are doing great and are just the sweetest little puppers. Yesterday was the first day of eating puppy mush, which they have completely been enjoying. They still love Mama’s milk as you can see. Only one week left Lessie…you can do it. 😉
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The boys each have a pup to train and love on this summer. I figured it’s about time they learn what it’s like to care for a pup.
👀Make sure to follow us so you can watch their pupventures. Your kiddos might even find inspiration.
#frenchie #frenchiepup #thefrenchbulldogofcolorado #tfbcochubs #tfbcobella #tfbconacho #tfbcolestina #tfbcobubbles

Hammock and Frenchie pup time. How are you celebrating?
This is Tahoe and Rush.
#frenchie #thefrenchbulldogofcolorado #tfbcorush #tfbcotahoe #tfbconacho #tfbcolestina #tfbcoannie

Do our pups come pre-spoiled? Umm…yes! This is little Tacoma enjoying the first day of summer with the boys.
👀If you’re looking for a Frenchie pup to spend the summer days with, make sure to check out available pups on our website. www.thefrenchbulldogofcolorado.com
#frenchie #thefrenchbulldogofcolorado #frenchbulldog #tfbcotacoma #tfbconacho #tfbcolestina