Frenchie Friday May 20th, 2022

Frenchie Friday May 20th, 2022

Happy Frenchie Friday

Hi all, happy Frenchie Friday! Apparently I haven’t done much but take pics of Mable. We did start the weekend with a movie with the Frenchies.

This is my favorite thing.

Frenchie Friday May 20th, 2022

 Of course with the nice weather last week we spent lots of time on the deck. This is the life. ~Maddie

Frenchie Friday May 20th, 2022

The many angles of Mable. When a pup is in the house it’s so easy for them to hog the camera. Just hanging out with DeMarco.

Frenchie Friday May 20th, 2022

I’m stuck!

Frenchie Friday May 20th, 2022

I think I’ll take a little nappiedoo.

Frenchie Friday May 20th, 2022

Mable is Trenton’s favorite! He’s quite protective of her.

Frenchie Friday May 20th, 2022

We should have pups coming. I’m waiting to confirm pregnancies before I start posting all about it. Hopefully pups coming in July! 😉 
BLOGS WRITTEN THIS WEEK! I used one for two of the websites because I thought it was relevant for both and I ran out of time. 🙂  Do you have questions you want answered about Frenchies? Feel free to ask. I might just write a blog about it. 
Considering a Frenchie pup? Here’s how to train a Frenchie to not nibble on your fingers. 
Read it here. 

Frenchie Friday May 20th, 2022

Make sure to checkout the available pups. We have some cutie pies. I’m happy to set up  a time for you to meet them live via FaceTime or Zoom. Just let me know which pups you’d like to meet. 🙂 719-308-7444

As you can see, we do our best to socialize and train our pups based on their age and abilities. If you’re looking for a Frenchie pup, make sure to check out our available pups. 

The French Bulldog of Colorado pups in their homes. 🙂

Happy Families!

Check out our available Frenchie pups.

Want more guidance on your Frenchies health & wellness? Check out our sister site Frenchies Naturally. 

Teach Your French Bulldog to Come

Teach Your French Bulldog to Come

When bringing your Frenchie home make sure to teach your French Bulldog to come. It may be cute to watch your little one run away while you chase him and scoop him in your arms. But what you are teaching him is it’s OK to run away from you. This won’t be cute when he is 20+lbs and a lot faster than you or when there’s a car coming and it’s a life and death matter for him to listen. I suggest you and everyone in the household start as soon as your pup arrives and I’ll give you some pointers. I am by no means a certified dog trainer as of yet. You never know when or if I will do so as I am a learner and love to collect certifications. 🙂 I will give you best practices in my almost 40 years of being born into the dog breeding world. 

First, Frenchies are a braceycephalic breed. This means they have a short nose. Everyone talks about the disadvantages of this with their breathing but did you know it’s actually a benefit for them in receiving visual cues from you? Those wide eyes and short noses allow them to see your cues better and do the command you are visually cueing them to do. Every since I learned this, almost 20 years ago, I’ve incorporated visual cues into my communications with my flat nosed friends and it works. 

With almost every command, I start with a snap, cue with my finger , and state the command with my voice. The snap alerts him that you are about to give a command which gives him the opportunity to listen to your voice and/or look to your hand for the cue.

Teach your French Bulldog to come

  1. Put a leash and collar on your Frenchie. 
  2. Go down to his level. Snap. Point Finger towards yourself.  Pull on leash while saying come. 
  3. When he gets to you reward him with praise, pets, and if desired a healthy treat. 

Once he’s mastered the leash, remove it and practice in a safe enclosed environment.

Treats or No Treats? 

I typically do not use treats as I believe my love and praise should be all they need but I totally get why you would want to use a treat. You will need to practice your own reward system that works for you and your pup.

In real life, when you tell your pup to come and he just looks at you like you are crazy you have to do something about it. I go directly to them and pull them back to where they were supposed to come. Then I give praise and love like they did what I said. The dragging shouldn’t be fun but shouldn’t harm them in any way either.  I can allow my Frenchies outside with me now, snap my fingers, and tell them to come. They listen which is an important aspect of safety. Make the time to go practice the come command with your Frenchie.

Looking for a Frenchie pup? Make sure to get The Ultimate Guide in Adopting a French Bulldog.

Follow us on Instagram as she posts lots of stuff with me in it.

Read more about my other Frenchie friends!






Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

Happy Frenchie Friday

Happy Frenchie Friday! It’s been a crazy last 7 days as we had what I hope is our last winter here.

The Frenchies liked it for a minute. 

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

Let us in mom! We’re freezing our ears off.

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

Instead let’s watch a movie. We’re ready. When are you starting the movie mom. 

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

Yeah mom, we’re ready for a movie and belly rubs.

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

The next morning. You don’t expect me to go out there, right? ~ Jewels

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

The weather cleared up and Trenton graduated from Kindergarten. We always have Frenchies by our sides to celebrate big events.

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

Trenton wanted to bring Mable with us to pick up his big brother for the last day of school.

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

I don’t really see what the big deal is about this little squirt!?! I’m just as cute and snuggly ~ Maddie

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

But look at this face…the face of an honorary angel. 

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

Elze has also come to hang out with us for a bit while her family enjoys a little time away.

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

Trenton has been busy helping entertain our Frenchie guests. I pay him in candy and s’mores.

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

We should have pups coming. I’m waiting to confirm pregnancies before I start posting all about it. Hopefully pups coming in July! 😉 
BLOGS WRITTEN THIS WEEK! I have one new article this week.  Do you have questions you want answered about Frenchies? Feel free to ask. I might just write a blog about it. 
Considering a Frenchie pup? Here’s how to train a Frenchie to come to you when called. 
Read it here. 

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

Got a Frenchie pup coming? Here’s some tips to potty train your little one.   You can read it here. 

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

Got pics of your Frenchie? We’d love to see them and share them with the rest of the group. 

Next Breedings. 

I have just bred one of my girls today so we should have pups coming. I’m waiting to confirm pregnancy before I start posting all about it. Hopefully pups coming in July! 😉 Up to 4 girls will be bred by August. I might be tired but I’ll be in Frenchie pup heaven. 


Stud Service

We also provide a stud service for our male Platinum male Nacho and other males. Isn’t he a handsome little guy! Looking for more sires to add to the program. Let me know if you’d like information on adding your male. 

Frenchie Friday  May 27th, 2022

Make sure to checkout the available pups. We have some cutie pies. I’m happy to set up  a time for you to meet them live via FaceTime or Zoom. Just let me know which pups you’d like to meet. 🙂 719-308-7444

As you can see, we do our best to socialize and train our pups based on their age and abilities. If you’re looking for a Frenchie pup, make sure to check out our available pups. 

The French Bulldog of Colorado pups in their homes. 🙂

Happy Families!

Check out our available Frenchie pups.

Want more guidance on your Frenchies health & wellness? Check out our sister site Frenchies Naturally. 

5 Tips-Teach Your Frenchie Biting on Fingers is not OK. 

5 Tips-Teach Your Frenchie Biting on Fingers is not OK.

When your little ones arrives you will almost 100% guaranteed need to teach your Frenchie biting on fingers is not an acceptable practice. Puppies are like toddlers. They learn by putting things in their mouth including your fingers. It might seem kind of cute at 4lbs but remember anything that won’t be cute full grown needs to be addressed as a pup. One of the biggest reasons dogs are placed in rescues is due to nipping or biting. Let’s nip this in the bud at an early age and create your own good Frenchie citizen. 

#1 Get the whole family on board to train your Frenchie biting on fingers is not ok.

Frenchie pups want to play and your fingers look like a great play toy. Discuss with the whole family how important it is to no engage with teasing/playing with pups via their own fingers. I’ve noticed sometimes kiddos and teenagers think it’s funny. 

#2 Don’t put your fingers in their mouth. 

I see a post almost every day, “How do I train my Frenchie to not bite my fingers.” Rule #1. Don’t let them put your fingers in their mouth. 🙂 

#3 Say no & redirect

Firmly say no and redirect with a toy. 

#4 Use the calming hold technique to train your Frenchie biting on fingers isn’t ok

If they are still persistent after the no and redirect, use the calming hold technique. You pick your pup up in a vertical position, place him firmly against one side of your body, place your arm that’s on the same side firmly over the front of his body, wrap your fingers around the base of the pups inside leg. This keeps your fingers out of the way of their mouth and typically calms him down. If the squirming continues use your other arm to hold across the bottom half.

I’m a 3rd generation breeder and this is what I have done since I can remember…probably around 5 years old. It works. I have taught my sons (5 &7 years old currently) to do so as well. They do it and it works for even the kiddos. You hold them like this for a minute or two and can put him back down. If the behavior continues, keep on repeating this until he stops. 

#5 Place in a crate or playpen for a time out. 

If all else fails place him in his crate or playpen away far away from your fingers. Give him time to play with toys. After 5-10 minutes, bring him back out. He may just need to run out some energy. 

Remember bringing a Frenchie pup into your home is a really exciting and fun experience but you will need to be prepared to teach your Frenchie biting on fingers is not OK. Good luck and happy training. We’d love to hear from you on how these tips worked for you. 

Looking for a Frenchie pup? Make sure to get The Ultimate Guide in Adopting a French Bulldog.

Follow us on Instagram as she posts lots of stuff with me in it.

Read more about our Frenchies!






Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

Happy Frenchie Friday

Happy Frenchie Friday! Hope all of the human and fur momma’s out there had a happy Mother’s Day! I spent the day enjoying time with Tytan & Trenton and all of the Frenchies. My Mother’s Day weekend started out early as the boys had Thursday & Friday off from school.

 I love seeing them play outside with the Frenchies. Nacho especially loves chasing them. 

Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

Trenton finds it fun to throw frisbees for them. 

Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

Bubbles won as she always does. 

Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

We had friends over to play spades on Saturday. Their kiddos, especially Maia love the Frenchies and she particularly loves Jewels and Jewels love little girls.

Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

Dante loves them but he loves to pose for the camera more. 🙂

Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

I can just taste those cookies on my lips. No, Jewels you can’t have chocolate chip cookies.

Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

Sunday morning started Mother’s Day out right with Romeo snuggles. He loves being a Romeo sandwich between mom and dad. This is the life!

Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

We will be watching this little girl for a month. I’ve missed having little pups around and am getting my fill of Frenchie baby snuggles.

Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

DeMarco and Trenton are loving her. 

Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

Trenton is training on how to teach other kids how to take care of Frenchies. Course is coming soon. He’s working on the proper hold to keep pups safe.

Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

Romeo, “We’re not keeping her, right mom?”

Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

Sorry. Not Sorry for taking over as cutest pup in the palace Romeo.~Mable

Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

I have just bred one of my girls today so we should have pups coming. I’m waiting to confirm pregnancy before I start posting all about it. Hopefully pups coming in July! 😉 
BLOGS WRITTEN THIS WEEK! Do you have questions you want answered about Frenchies? Feel free to ask. I might just write a blog about it. 
Considering a Frenchie pup? Here’s how to potty train a pup. 
Read it here. 

Frenchie Friday May 13th, 2022

Make sure to checkout the available pups. We have some cutie pies. I’m happy to set up  a time for you to meet them live via FaceTime or Zoom. Just let me know which pups you’d like to meet. 🙂 719-308-7444

As you can see, we do our best to socialize and train our pups based on their age and abilities. If you’re looking for a Frenchie pup, make sure to check out our available pups. 

The French Bulldog of Colorado pups in their homes. 🙂

Happy Families!

Check out our available Frenchie pups.

Want more guidance on your Frenchies health & wellness? Check out our sister site Frenchies Naturally. 

How to Potty Train Your French Bulldog

How to Potty Train Your French Bulldog

So you have a new Frenchie coming to join you! Congrats! It’s an exciting time in your life and you will want to start to potty train your French Bulldog puppy the moment he arrives. You want to start the potty training process early in their life but realize just like human babies every Frenchie pup will potty train at different rates. I really want for you to be successful at this as training issues are one of the most common reasons a dog is turned into a shelter. I do not want that for my Frenchie pups or any Frenchie for that matter. It’s important that from the get go you are consistent and you housetrain them correctly from the beginning.

Keep your Frenchies space small & clean

In the wild, puppies naturally learn to not go the bathroom where they sleep or eat. When the pups are small the Frenchie momma immediately cleans up after her little ones when they pee or poo. Without the scent of pee/poo around the puppies do no associate the area with relieving themselves. How can we take advantage of this? 

  1. Crate train your pup. A pup doesn’t usually want to dirty his own space. Keep the space small and increase it as your pup grows and/or shows he’s trustworthy. 
  2. Utilize a playpen. If you let your pup roam the whole house, he can easily go to a corner of the house that far away from where he eats and sleeps to relieve himself. Instead of letting your pup roam, place him in his playpen when you’re eyeballs are not directly on him. As he becomes trustworthy in that space increase the size of the space he’s allowed to be in unattended. 
  3. If your pup pees or poos in the house, clean it up and deodorize it immediately

Keep Your Frenchie on a Schedule

Your Frenchie pup not only needs to associate not to pee in the house but also that the outdoors is for going to the bathroom. How do you do this? By implementing a schedule

  1. A young pup may need to be taken out once every hour. As he grows, the time between bathroom breaks will increase. Take the cues from your own Frenchie pup. If he pees before the house at the 45 minute mark, then you may need to take him out every 45 minutes. Your Frenchie will likely be able to hold it twice as long during the night time. I have found a 10 week old Frenchie when sleeping with me, can hold it most of the night. If I crate train, then it’s a shorter amount of time. 
  2. Take him outside after every feeding, waking up, and after playing. 
  3. If you catch your pup in the act, swoop him up, take him outside, and show him where he should go. It’s not suggested to discipline him for making a mistake. 

Use Verbal Cues & Praise your Frenchie

When taking your Frenchie outside, cue that it’s time to go potty. Say go potty or go pee. Choose one phrase and stick with it. This is not the time to play or pet him. You ignore him until he does his business and/or continue to cue him to potty. I usually wait until they are about half way through going and then begin praising by saying good boy or girl repeatedly and when they are complete I pet them while continuing the praise. If you choose to use treats, this is the time to give him one. I always say my love and attention should be all they need so I don’t personally give treats but I understand why you would choose to do so. 

Why does my Frenchie target the carpet? 

You will find your Frenchie pup will target the carpet that they find far away from where he sleeps and eats. Why is this? Because the carpet is soft under their paws and makes them think they are standing on grass. If you can, block of any carpeted area while potty training. 

What about puppy pads? 

I am not a huge fan of puppy pads. One, they are terrible for the environment. Two, you want to begin training your pup the way you want them to be potty trained as an adult. It’s confusing to change methods. Three, they tend to play with them and tear them apart which is a choking hazard.  I understand you may be using them until your pup gets its full series of shots, especially if you live in an apartment complex. My suggestions is to place  the potty pad as close to the door as you can or even on the balcony if you have one. This way they associate the door with going to the bathroom and it’s just a few more steps outside to go in the great outdoors. You may even consider a grass pad made for pups. 

Again there’s nothing more fun than brining home a new Frenchie pup. Your pup relies on you to be consistent so he can learn  good manners so he can become a proper canine citizen and seamlessly mesh into your families life. 

Looking for a Frenchie pup? Make sure to get The Ultimate Guide in Adopting a French Bulldog.

Follow us on Instagram as she posts lots of stuff with me in it.

Read more about my other Frenchie friends!






Nine Reasons to Adopt a French Bulldog

Nine Reasons to Adopt a French Bulldog

Are you considering to adopt a French Bulldog? Here’s a little history and some of their best attributes. French Bulldogs first appeared in Paris in the mid-nineteenth century as a result of crossing toy bulldogs from England with Parisian ratters. They had been imported by Americans in the 1800’s but it wasn’t until 1885 that a breeding program was officially set up and eventually the French Bulldog Club of America was created. In the early 20th century they became popular among high society costing up to $3000 and being among families like the Rockefellers and J.P. Morgans. In 2021 French Bulldogs became the 2nd most popular breed. Celebrities who own Frenchies include Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Lady Gaga, Eva Longoria, Hugh Jackman, Reese Witherspoon, Madonna, and many more.

#1 Personality loving and affectionate.

A Frenchies goal in life is literally to love you every second of it. They love to be a big part of your life and will soak up all of the love you give them. Expect lots of Frenchie kisses and lap warmer for their lifetime.

#2 Sturdiness

They might be a smaller size but they are sturdy. They’ve managed to survive and thrive my two young boys.

#3 Great with kids and overall make amazing family members.

Not only are they sturdy for young kiddos but they also are very patient. I can’t tell you how many times one have pulled on the pups ears and they just roll their eyes and move on with life. They love to play and just be with kids. Frenchies teach kids responsibility and help prevent loneliness and depression. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the pets of my childhood as they were what saved me and kept me sane. They are truly the best friends that don’t go away.

#4 Low grooming maintenance

Overall Frenchies have low grooming requirement. Nail trims, monthly to quarterly baths, and some brushing will suffice.

#5 They don’t need a lot of exercise.

Frenchies don’t require long walks or lots of running up and down hills on a regular basis. A short jaunt around the block or the backyard is all they typically need.

#6 Adaptable Companion

Frenchies can do well in almost any atmosphere. They make great country dogs and can also enjoy living in an apartment in the city.

#7 Fun and playful

Have you ever been around someone that just makes you feel good being in their presence? That’s a Frenchie. They are fun and playful and will make each of your days brighter.

#8 Size.

Their size makes it great for taking them places. They can easily hop in the car and be your errand runner and travel buddy. If yours is around 20lbs, they can fly in cabin with you as you travel across the country.

#9 Expressive faces.

There is nothing better than the expressive faces of these little guys. They let you know exactly how they feel about the situation with their little squish face.

If you found this article helpful and want to a adopt a French Bulldog, you’ll want to download The Ultimate Guide to Adopting Your Frenchie.


Make sure to follow us on Instagram as she posts lots of stuff with me in it.

Read more about my other Frenchie friends!






Frenchie Friday May 6th, 2022

Frenchie Friday May 6th, 2022

Happy Frenchie Friday

Happy Frenchie Friday! I always can’t believe how fast the weeks go by. It’s another weekend and it looks like in our area we’ll have some nice weather. The Frenchies love sunbathing and I’ll be sure to get some pics. I noticed I didn’t take as many pics as usual this past week but we did enjoy their company for sure. 
DeMarco is coaching Tytan and Trenton’s football team and we had the assistant coach and his family over for dinner.

Their son was considerate enough to help Jewels play with the binoculars too. 🙂 Haley, his sister was at first scared of Jewels. They have two huge dogs and we couldn’t figure out why as she doesn’t have a mean bone in her little body. We found out it was because she snorts and she thought she was growling. By the end of the evening though they were best of friends. 

Frenchie Friday May 6th, 2022

We got in the usual morning snuggles which I will never, ever get tired of. I soak it in knowing one day I’ll wish for these days. 

Frenchie Friday May 6th, 2022
Frenchie Friday May 6th, 2022
Frenchie Friday May 6th, 2022
Frenchie Friday May 6th, 2022

Romeo has been begging a little extra lately. 
Daddy, can I please have a little bite?

Frenchie Friday May 6th, 2022

Just one little taste please?

Frenchie Friday May 6th, 2022

Momma, can you believe daddy? He didn’t even share a bite. Is that illegal?

Frenchie Friday May 6th, 2022

Frenchie Training: 

I have seen the need for behavioral training for Frenchies over the past few months and I couldn’t ignore it anymore and signed up to get certified as a dog trainer. I believe Covid and so many first time dog owners really made a huge impact on our pups. New things are just scarier than they used to be for our previous generation of pups. Make sure to read the article below on how to train your Frenchie to listen. You’re given homework to help. Don’t worry it’s a small step that won’t take tons of time. 🙂 

I always love pics and being updated on how your little French Fry is doing. Email or text me 719-308-7444

Need Help Breeding Your Frenchie? 

I just helped Camry breed her two beautiful babies. I can’t wait to see pics. I totally failed on getting pics of her with her Frenchies but I will be sure to share pics when she shares them with me. 🙂 
Congrats Lou on your litter of 6 beautiful pups! I was able to help Lou breed his male and female. I have a progesterone machine and can do the artificial insemination. Can’t wait to see the pups! Contact me to find out details on getting your Frenchie bred if you are in the Colorado Springs area.

Frenchie Friday October 7th, 2022
Frenchie Friday May 6th, 2022

Make sure to checkout the available pups. We have some cutie pies. I’m happy to set up  a time for you to meet them live via FaceTime or Zoom. Just let me know which pups you’d like to meet. 🙂 719-308-7444

As you can see, we do our best to socialize and train our pups based on their age and abilities. If you’re looking for a Frenchie pup, make sure to check out our available pups. 

The French Bulldog of Colorado pups in their homes. 🙂

Happy Families!

Check out our available Frenchie pups.

Want more guidance on your Frenchies health & wellness? Check out our sister site Frenchies Naturally.